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It’s Jessica.

Breech birth is not a problem.  I have pushed out 5 breech babies and want you to know it’s possible and safe so I wrote a book about it.
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Should I spin my breech baby?

Should I spin my breech baby?

BIG question.  This is a divided camp.  I have talked to many moms who felt empowered by spinning their baby.  It was motivating and encouraging.  Then there is the other camp.  The women who stood upside down for days and shined flashlights at their hoohas and burnt moxi by their toes and nothing budged.  It had the exact opposite was discouraging, disappointing, demotivating.  Depending on your uterus shape, your uterus condition, your placenta position and your pelvic position you may or may not be a candidate for your baby to spin.  Ultimately, you can try it.  And you can see if it works for you!  BUT!!! Don't bust your back.  Don't put pressure on yourself.  And if it doesn't work after a few days...🚨STOP🚨. Trust your body and your baby.

Jessica xo


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